On May 27, 2021, the fourth meeting of the National Cybersecurity Cluster was held in cooperation with the National Cybersecurity Coordination Center under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NCCC) and the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global). The main topic of the May session was the protection of critical infrastructure and its resilience.
Volodymyr Zverev, Head of the Information Security Department of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Service under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Staff, reported on the actions by the NCCC to implement the objectives of the draft Cybersecurity Strategy. The expert pointed out that due to successful interaction and coordination with cybersecurity actors and the private sector it was possible to locate and neutralize cyber attacks aimed at public authorities and critical infrastructure of the country timely.
Oleksandr Sukhodolya, Head of Department of Critical Infrastructure, Energy and Environmental Security of the Center for Security Studies under the National Institute for Strategic Studies, analyzed the place of cybersecurity in the overall critical infrastructure protection system. The expert also presented practical tools for legislative regulation of various aspects of information security.
Vladlen Basysty, Senior Project Lead, the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) in Ukraine, presented the key results of activities performed by international organizations and diplomatic missions in Ukraine to create and develop a critical infrastructure protection system. At the end of the presentation, Vladlen Basysty stressed the importance and priority of the system of qualified personnel training for the successful functioning of the critical infrastructure protection system.
Other speakers included representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Digital Transformation, the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine, the CRDF Global representation office in Ukraine, etc.
Thematically, the event was divided into three main parts: presentations of projects by partners, presentation of authorized bodies of critical infrastructure protection and review of the best world practices in training CI specialists in the European Union. Representatives of the United States, the European Union and Canada made presentations on the work of authorized bodies to protect critical infrastructure.
The protection of critical infrastructure facilities is extremely important for the support of the state and for every citizen. The fourth meeting of the Cluster members helped cyber leaders get closer to identify effective ways to solve the problems.
For notes
The critical information infrastructure is a complex of critical information infrastructure objects. Critical infrastructure facilities include enterprises, institutions and organizations, whose activities are directly related to technological processes and/or the provision of services that are important for the economy and industry, the functioning of society and public safety.
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